Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Do we really need more attention spent on the homeless?

The blogger discusses how the government needs to put more effort into helping homeless people. Personally, I feel that there are enough programs out in our country to help out the homeless population. Cities have soup kitchens, places for people to go if they need a place to stay. There are even places a homeless can go if they need a job, and there are people that are avaliable to help them search for jobs.

The author talks about how it looks bad that the United States is filled with people that live on streets. I know that it does look bad, but the United States Government can not help the actions of every single person. They have programs set up for people who cannot work due to disabilities, and I feel they try to help the people who cannot help themselves. I do not blame the United State's leadership skills for those living under bridges. I blame the people themselves, who have put themselves into these positions. There are definitley ways to avoid the situations, and instead of standing on a corner begging for money, they could be out finding a job. It has been shown that an individual can live off minimum wage, and wages are raised when the government feels like you cannot live off of it. This information itself shows that a person who needs money, can go get a job even if they pay minimum wage, and be able to have housing and food.

She talks about how organizations should be set up for homeless people, and that instead of focusing attention on giving money to those in other countries, we should focus on those in our own country. Well, Social Security is used for the people who cannot have jobs because of disabilities. As for the others, I do not think that they should be handed money if they stand on a street corner, they need to make an effort to find a job, and to make a living, instead of hoping that someone will just give them a bunch of money. I think that is part of the reason why America is becoming so lazy, because they are relying on other people's money.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Murdering, with no punishment?

Throughout the semester, I have connected myself more to the news, and about political issues. I have discussed some of the issues that I believe are most important, such as the healthcare reform, and the economy. After this last test, and reading about the different amendments and different court cases, I decided that I would discuss an issue that I know many, including myself, feel strongly about.

I am someone who has many conservative beliefs, and one that am very passionate about, is being pro-life. Currently, abortions are legal, with a few restrictions that vary from state to state about abortions under eighteen years old. In Texas, if you are under eighteen, you have to notify a parent that you would be getting an abortion, not get permission, just tell them. I find this a tad bit crazy. If you are under eighteen and got pregnant, it most likely was an accident. I understand many people's views, when saying that if they were to stay pregnant they would end up dropping out of high school, not attending college, etc. I know that many teen girls try to get abortions to prevent that, but I think that they put themselves into the situation, and they need to deal with the mistakes that they may have made. So many girls, go out and sleep around, thinking that there are so many ways to prevent getting pregnant, and if they did, they could just get an abortion and get rid of it. Those girls in my opinion, are being careless. They do not realize that if they were to get pregnant, then at any stage of the pregnancy, they are carrying a human. To get an abortion at any stage of a pregnancy would be killing a person. There are many people who are murders, and are sentenced to the death penalty. But, there are many women in the United States who are killing humans daily, and they never have any consequences of doing so.

I think that it is time that the United States put a ban on abortions. Women need to take responsibility for what they have done if they get pregnant. They can easily arrange for a closed adoption, and will not have to deal with that child after the nine months in the womb, but to kill a child, because you "do not want to ruin your own life," is just being selfish in my opinion. I do understand the right to privacy, but I think this goes beyond that, this is murder, and if other murders are being punished, I do not think it is right for women to get away with killing a human, regardless of if it is in a placenta or not.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Phones in cars?

The author of The Earhorn, put a lot into perspective when blogging about the issues regarding a law being created that limits cell phone usage while driving. Although, I limit the use of my cell phone while driving as much as I can, s a teenager, I can say that I have been guilty of texting while driving. I cringe everytime I hear of an accident that is caused by a person texting while in the car. Since the death toll has rapidly been increasing due to phone usage, I think it is time that the federal government intervenes. It is time to make a law regarding this issue, because like the blogger said, I do not think I have ever been on the road where I have no seen a person on their phone, usually texting away.
It is so easy to get distracted while texting, you will always need to take at least one hand off the wheel, while looking down and concentrating on the screen. Do people not understand how dangerous this is? If the person in front of you slams on their breaks, you will never know. That is a scary thought for me. It is such an easy choice to not pick up your phone if you hear an alarm go off, indicating a text or call. Too many people make the wrong decision, and respond to their messages they recieve, even if they are on a toll road, and going eighty miles per hour. I think this is the reason why it is time for a law to be put in place. The blogger talks about how texting is more dangerous then being intoxicated, and that is a crazy thought. There are so many restrictions on drunk driving, and not enough on cell phone usage.
I see the problem that the blogger talks about, regarding how the law would be put into place. It is difficult to see sometimes when people are on their phones while driving, but there are so many ways to get around that, including being able to see the times that text messages were sent. I think that with as many accidents that have occured with cell phones, that it is time to make a system work to keep everyone off their phones while in a car. They have helped the phone call in a car issue by making bluetooth headsets, and having phones be set up to cars, but I feel that it might be a little more difficult making a system like that with texting. Instead, they just need to make a law that includes a large fine, and a no texting policy. I think it could greatly decrease the number of transportation accidents.