Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Unmasking of the Health Care Bill

I feel as though Health Care is a very important topic to be discussed in Congress. Millions of Americans are unable to get the medical attention they need to stay healthy. I believe that the Health Care system that was previously set up during the Bush administration was not efficient and what the United States people needed. Although this new, $1.5 trillion plan is expensive, I believe it will help save lives. I think it is very important that every person in the United States has health care insurance, which is why this plan appeals to me immensly. Many people are unable to get surgeries, proper x-rays and care they need because their insurance will not cover it. In this new bill, Insurance agencies will not be able to deny coverage. I usually have more conservative views on things, and even though this is more of a liberal plan, I do feel as though getting money off of current healthcare providers and the more wealthy is better. If not, many would deny this plan at risk of losing more money, which they could use for medical care without insurance. I know there are many people who feel hesitant about the bill, as well as having the feeling that Obama administration will not follow through with the plan, but I think that this is a bill that has been thoughtfully looked upon, and been given certain instructions that will carry it out based on what they know they will be able to accomplish. The USA Today article, that talks about the plan, gives more specifics and more numbers about the bill. If you are interested about how the healthcare will change, I recommend reading the article, as it excites me with all the specifics and plans that will be carried out in the future!

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